Starcraft II : New Stuff.

Here's what I gathered from Blizz's Offcial Message Boards...

Dark Pylon
Long used only by the Dark Templar of Shakuras, the Dark Pylon is now used by all as the Protoss war for survival becomes more desperate. In addition to providing supply and giving power to nearby Protoss structures, the Dark Pylon has several unique abilities that require energy to use.

Yes, it's true. Karune - Blizz Representative of Official Boards has confirmed this new addition into Protos faction. Thoug this structure requires much of a Micromanagement to use, it also serves as a Energy Battery. Plus, it is a Quick Cloaking Generator that can cloak multiple units in a single sweep. Wow!

The Energy Battery part sounds like a Warcraft III Moon Well to me. :)

Zerg Queen
The Zerg Queen has continued to evolve over the last few months. She is a fierce defender of the Zerg Hatcheries and can often be found in small groups defending the larger Zerg infestations. In addition to defending her Hatchery from ground and air threats, the Queen has several special abilities that require energy to use.

Yeah, the infamous Queen is back! I dunno if she still has the "Infest Command Center" ability of hers but current queen is fearsome as well. Having many abilities like Quickly creating Creep over the target area, plus spawning additional Larvae quickly over any Hathery, Lair or Hive, upto 4 of 'em! That means Zerg unit production rate will be more double!

Plus, this baby packs a punch by Creating a Swarm, that greatly damages enemies, almost similar to the Warcraft III Locust Swarm. You know how deadly this can be. However, it is not clear if the ability is like Locust Swarm or like Tornado. Nonetheless, it is great.

Plus, Here's an extract from Official Blizz Message board...

...StarCraft compared to Warcraft III, does not focus on heroes as much, and heroes or units do not have the same experience gaining mechanic as Warcraft III, making it difficult to imagine how a Warcraft III game could be reproduced for StarCraft. Nonetheless, after chatting it up with our devs, we found out the ability to allow heroes and units to gain experience is built into the Map Editor, though it will not likely be in single player or standard multiplayer. In addition, those units can also be toggled to have the ability to carry an inventory, which is also a characteristic needed in Warcraft III custom maps. With those two additions, we can rest assured that our clever community modders can handle the rest in creating some awesome custom games...

Does it mean Experience gaining mechanics are present in StarEdit2...?
Well, In a way, Yes!

Expect a BftC: Starcraft Edition as soon as SC2 comes out!


  1. Yoooohoooo! I can make more heroes!! I was quite nervous, due to the fact that the Starcraft has got no heroes. But now,they have added the feature.I'm happy. Thanks to Blizzard.:) :) :)

  2. Private servers?
    Are you insane?

    I don't do illeals.
