BftC:R Backstage : Rune Mage Story

Positive and Negative, both sides co-exist and yet, untouched by each other. The very balance of the nature and hence of the universe is the balance between Light and Darkness and effectively Positive and Negatives. Some call it the Creator, some call it the Science of Existance...

The young mage of Wood Elf community was fascinated by the strange law of Co-existance of the Positives and Negatives. Runecrafter by profession, Samus was the youngest offspring in the honoured Flamecaster bloodline. Giving up the position of the Shadow Advisor of Wood Elf community, young Samus set off for distant travels, to make contact with outter worlds, something that was stricktly forbidden and unforgivable within the Wood Elf community.

The Rune Mage - Most Versatile Hero

During the travels, Samus watched the other life-forms and studied their lifestream and flow of the energies, to his surprise, he found many other species were gifted with the knowledge of using the mystical energies that Wood Elf called the Essence of Life. He aqquired many techniques and being a swift learner, mastered them in no time.

Samus, now grown into a strong and powerful Mage, did not forget his original quest - to unravel the mystery of Co-existance, But over the years having perfected his Runecrafting skills, he masterfully could craft the runes, capturing the very essence of Positivity and Negativity, isolated from the rest. The isolated Runes, which gave him immese knowledge of the ways of life and mystical energies.

But the time came, when is peaceful studies came to halt. The Burning Legion had returned and the currption widespread across the lands. Samus could not allow the demons to run wildly and was forced to take arms against them. Being an expert Runecrafter and Masterful Mage, he drove them back out of the sanctuary that he had built himself. He thus, invented how to combine the Runic essence of Positives and Negatives and form extraordinary, powerful magic currents that took different effects when exposed to the nature via different methods. He had long studied all forms of Magic used by all kinds of Magi he had seen during his travels. He had learned Conjuration from Wizards of Dalaran, Binding Magics from the Night Elves and he learned Repulsion and Rejections from the Undead commanders of armies of Walking dead by sheer power of observations. Within no time, Samus found out the various effects on the Runic combinations when used via these methods and techniques, and again, wasted no time in mastering them.

While the Aftermath, Samus took great efforts to rebuild his Santuary and buried himself to the mastery of newfound techniques. Ways and mysteries of universe, life and Co-existance now lay open in from of him. With his dream fulfilled he seeks perfection, and hence, He has emerged from his shell and fights in the Battle for the Conquest.

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