Complexity Increments...

Well, I agree that the Blog is about Warcraft, but about the Experiments as well...
I could not stop thinking about renaming it as

- My Warcraft / Experiments -


The biggest news of today is that I have finally figured out the Cloth Simulation using GML. It's sweet, I liked it.

I have uploaded a small, cute video of the system... Check out.

Well, if you check out the video, You'll find that most of the regular cloth physics are nicely followed. The funny thing is that it follows the "Rope" physics. and cloth is treated as a collection of such Ropes. Interesting, isn't it?

You'll see that Yellow dots are the Fixed Vertices. Though they are unyielded i.e. Can be conbtrolled by the user. Plus, every "Dot" I mean, control point can be individually controlled.

As I demonstrate here, I pull the Cloth away, strech it and so on. As each control point associates the weight with the colth, and that is additive with more such points added, remember that more control points means more accurecy, but more weight with your cloth.

Thankfully, with good gravity control, I can readuce the weight, but it probably cause negative effects on the elastic behaviours. More experiments with it will give some more results.

The system works out brilliantly so far... Let's hope it can support and work with Rigid Bodies as well. (Which seems difficult at the moment due to the vast code differences)


  1. This is truly awesome! WOW!

    { More experiments with it will give some more results.}
    I'm sure, Improvements won't take long.

  2. Looks interesting but the laws of physics are not strictly followed. Also the elasticity seems too high for a cloth. But anyways nice try.
