Well, the map is actually a Mini-Game. Where the aim is to get your army of creatures as large as possible. You play as a Carrion Beetle. That walks around, all the time. Never able to stop. The army of lesser beetles will follow you and protect you where ever you go. But here's a difference. The army will rise in size as you defeat other Carrion Beetles or their minions. You have a unique way of doing so.
Firstly. There's a defined area. You have to always direct the Carrion Beetle as you want, making sure it doesn't touch the protective walls of the area. If it does, you'll lose a life, and hence all the beetles that you have summoned on your side. And you'll be restored with only Five Beetles.
The Beetle you command, say Lord. Has very unique abilities. He can sacrifice the minions to regain lost health, Command his beetles to attack the enemy. You can only control the Beetle Lord, and hence, this makes the game a lot easier ans challanging.
Beetle Lord has ability to sacrifice one of the beetles to regain lost health, which is done by simple keypress. The attacks order is tricky. At the moment I have no satisfactory system that can accomplish this, but it can be done. My idea of attacking is that you designate the target Beetle Lord by Simple Clicking on it by your Mouse, then, the Target indicator would appear over him. Showing everyone that who's attacking who. Then, By simple keypress you can send Beetles attacking on him. The ordered Beetles would walk upto the target, and suicide upon it. Damaging the target. At least One and At most of Five beetles can be sent attacking at a time, And when the attack is launched, enemy can see how many beetles were launched upon it. The third ability is the Defensive one. It allows you to launch a single beetle which muct not be assigned to any attacking orders, upon the enemy attacking beetles. Your beetle will go and attack upoon the beetles send towards you, causing a vilonent explosion, that will damage everything around.
Lost beetles are replenished over time. Plus, if you have managed to damage the enemy, another beetle will instantly rise up, bolstering your army. If you manage to destroy the Beetle Lord, all his beetles will belong to you!
There are several powerups, which are grabbed by running over them. Which, are used instantly. The have different effects- Invulnerable, Haste, Quad Damage and notably Global War Treaty, which would reduce half of the beetles enemy has! (Not to mention the number does not fall below Five)
A point to be noted, Beetles will have a 400 movement speed while Lord moves only at 250 Movement speed. But, Grabbing Haste power can cause Lord's movement to reach 500. Be careful though, on the high speeds you can leave your precious swarm behind.
This map is already in the works, and right now only about 25% finished.
More comments and suggestions are most welcome...
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