Mainly, the new Helper and Stock system that had been implemented. Additionally, We had been thinking to go Episode-wise in the progression of the Game. Each Episode contains of 10 Chapters, in the increasing difficuty.
The most difficult chapter is always the last one in the Episode.
Secondly, the tesla bolt is also drawn from the Mouse to the particle, indiciating if it is in the range or not. Plus, due to the bold drawn, it would be a lot easy to estimate a Normal direction and hence the would be trajectory to the Particle from the current Mouse Position.
(The Drawn Tesla bolt will be of Green color, whereas the Bolt from Attractor has been switched to have Blue Color)
Plus, The bolt from mouse will change to Red if you have No Attractors Left.
I am working on a new system such that it will only allow you place Attractor only if the Particle is in the range, else It would give out a Red Ring as an alert. This was done to prevent misclicks and hence player losing a precious Attractor.
Also, the Attractor Stock system has been greatly changed. The remaining Attractor are displayed at the Top-Right of the screen, as you can see in the Video uploaded.
Plus, now you cannot have more than 20 Attractors in your stock.
These changes are minor, but significant from the Gameplay aspect. As they improvise the visual appeal and gameplay, making a lot easier to play.
Many levels have been added so far. Making a total of 10 levels now. Plus, many of the levels are now reworked, making them a little less difficult than before.
(Yet, still toughter)
The last hints, do your best to avoid the walls, If particle collides with it, it will lose the speed, and hence you'd need an extra Attractor to cover the same distance.
Plus, it is necessary to learn the Physics if you want to win this game, so Do it!
Again, the game is nearing it's final look. Please, Do not be diappointed by the Vector Grapics, Note that it takes no copyright to make and use Vector Graphics. If you officially own good image editors like photoshop or Uled products, then you can definitely be a graphic artist for this project.
Also, the game would have many more levels than featured here... You'd love it, stay tuned.
And finally, I shall discuss some technical stuff here. I had previously said that it would be possible to quickly restart a perticluar level that you are on. It seems that it would take a lots of coding to do that. When I coded a Level Transition from one to another, I hade actually not bothered about making backups. Thus, now it is really difficult to restart it.