GML: Brand New Graphics... Testing...

After a lot of experiments with 2D Filters, Blend Modes and anti-aliasing, I have created a lot better looking graphics. Plus, I have been testing out the Tower-Defense style - Aligned Placements. Combined with a nicely Blended Out and Anti-Aliased filter, and a RTS style Mouse control for placements of objects. I have finally succeeded in making a Brand New Graphics style.

For this minigame in making, I am calling it Grid Control. It is more like a Real-Time Tactical Tower Defense.

Though this style might have been already used for many commercial games, I am kinda proud of this as I have created it without any heavy renderers or commercial engines. I have used GM resources and GML heavily.

Early Version of Grid Control

But then, I thought the gridlines should not be visible from the start. The filter would reveal the Gridlines, like a Neon Glow attached to the mouse pointer.
So, I got to the work again, and came up with a solution. Now I am able to quickly work out many versions of the Filter, and modes.
The Screenshot you see below is a perticular example of Additive Blend Mode.

You can click on it, to have a bigger image, in which you can clearly see the Neon Glow around the Mouse Pointer.

Current Version of Grid Control
