GML: Improvements...

Working on same project that I had started some days before, I have come to think some really out of the Box ideas. I had decided to make this a Tower Defense style game, but a lot more involvement with Real-Time Tactics and very tight resource management.
Not much of the picture is clear at the moment. But you people can believe that a real kick-ass project is in the works...
I had tries a fancy system of pathfinding and plus, a very nasty type of special effects. You can see it in the screenshots below - perticularly on the trail of the Red Enemies and Green Defender Bots.
Many new possibilities are opened when I tried out the new Special Effects for Graphic Trails. And allow me to present a few screenshots...

Defender Bots

Defender Bots : Attacking a few enemies

1 comment:

  1. What about G game :-?? :)

    Hope u still working on it as i am waiting to play a final version :)

    about the graphics I like it :) but if green lines have some light effect around it will be awesome :)
