GML : New Revolutionary Gameplay Systems

Yes, I have made some system improvements that will change the Gameplay of the Game to the whole new level...

What I am talking about? Well, I am talking about the new improvements of the G Field the Game, I have made a Mouse-Guide system that will allow players to guide the trajetory of the Particle to whichever direction they want. However, the mouse-guide will work only if the Particle is caught inside an Attractor.

In the video, you'll see a Small Orange circle around the mouse. This is your Mouse-Guide AoE. With this, you can guide the Trajectory of the Particle, slightly increase / decrease the orbit radius or quickly take the Particle to the other side of the wall. Really useful, eh?

But notice the danger as well, If you accidently decrease the orbit radius, then, there's no way you can increase it again without placing a new Attractor...
... So, use it with extreme caution.
(Balance issues... Hehe)

Also, the new Guiding graphics, a strong Orange colored bolt...

Additionally, the most different concept in the Puzzle game of these types so far...

The lights-out situation...
Yes, you see absolutely nothing in the whole level except the target, but the walls are only to be revealed when you get closer...

This means, that you'll never have an idea of what's coming up next against you, and never even come to know if you have even taken the right path ?

But don't worry, You have a little Extra supply of Attractors if you encounter such levels...

Just Stay Tuned, Guys....

Okay, now the little technicals, The G Field 2 engine was seriously tweaked to allow the new Mouse-Guide system. But I took an extra precaution as in not to allow the player to interfere with the Radius of the Orbit part. ;)

The Guide still follows the collisions well, in fact, brilliantly. The Toy Box engine is not affected at all, the whole code for Mouse-Guide was injected inside the G Field code part.

Also, now if have began to woder how the Lightning system works,
Please note : I'm not going to tell you that. ;)



  1. Holy sheet!!!You did it. Simply fabulous. Ohhh,I loved it. Great great Job. Hats off.

    'Mouse Guide' system is nice as well. Sorry, but I didn't knew that it's going to be so awesome. I played the game. It's balanced perfectly. You proved yourself. Hats off again.

    BTW, those 'lights out' levels which you have designed, are they just test levels or they are included in the game?

    Yellow and green wall levels are going to be fun. This game is special. Great job and keep it up.

  2. it's MY design, it's got to be kick-ass.

    And, it's Holy SHIT! not SHEET!

    Actually, you cannot imagine the pain behind the Mouse Guide system. It had to be balanced plus not interfering with collisions part. So, I had to inject the whole code into G field engine without damaging the core. Blah blah blah...

    But, you see hard work really pays off.
