G Field the Game - New Systems

There had been many updates in the G Field the Game.

Mainly, the new Helper and Stock system that had been implemented. Additionally, We had been thinking to go Episode-wise in the progression of the Game. Each Episode contains of 10 Chapters, in the increasing difficuty.

The most difficult chapter is always the last one in the Episode.

Secondly, the tesla bolt is also drawn from the Mouse to the particle, indiciating if it is in the range or not. Plus, due to the bold drawn, it would be a lot easy to estimate a Normal direction and hence the would be trajectory to the Particle from the current Mouse Position.
(The Drawn Tesla bolt will be of Green color, whereas the Bolt from Attractor has been switched to have Blue Color)

Plus, The bolt from mouse will change to Red if you have No Attractors Left.

I am working on a new system such that it will only allow you place Attractor only if the Particle is in the range, else It would give out a Red Ring as an alert. This was done to prevent misclicks and hence player losing a precious Attractor.

Also, the Attractor Stock system has been greatly changed. The remaining Attractor are displayed at the Top-Right of the screen, as you can see in the Video uploaded.
Plus, now you cannot have more than 20 Attractors in your stock.

These changes are minor, but significant from the Gameplay aspect. As they improvise the visual appeal and gameplay, making a lot easier to play.

Many levels have been added so far. Making a total of 10 levels now. Plus, many of the levels are now reworked, making them a little less difficult than before.
(Yet, still toughter)

The last hints, do your best to avoid the walls, If particle collides with it, it will lose the speed, and hence you'd need an extra Attractor to cover the same distance.
Plus, it is necessary to learn the Physics if you want to win this game, so Do it!

Again, the game is nearing it's final look. Please, Do not be diappointed by the Vector Grapics, Note that it takes no copyright to make and use Vector Graphics. If you officially own good image editors like photoshop or Uled products, then you can definitely be a graphic artist for this project.

Also, the game would have many more levels than featured here... You'd love it, stay tuned.

And finally, I shall discuss some technical stuff here. I had previously said that it would be possible to quickly restart a perticluar level that you are on. It seems that it would take a lots of coding to do that. When I coded a Level Transition from one to another, I hade actually not bothered about making backups. Thus, now it is really difficult to restart it.


DotA 6.60 Beta Leaked! New stuff confirmed.

Yes, thanks to many more dishonest beta testers out there... DotA Allstars 6.60 Beta has been leaked. There are plenty of changes spotted, mainly the arrangement of Hero Taverns and Two new Heroes.

The Hero Taverns have been greatly reworked. Now there ware 9 taverns, 3 for Sentinels, 3 for Scourge and 3 being Neutrals. Each Type is divided further into STR / AGI / INT. Neutral Hero Taverns feature all the most 'popular' heroes of the DotA. Like Viper the Nether Drake, Jakiro the Twin Head Dragon, Kael the Invoker etc. (Many other heroes in this tavern are Ogre Magi, Tinker and Necro'lic) Note that Neutrals can be chosen by both sides in League games.

Now, as the BIG news, addition of Tauren Chieftain and Troll Batrider is a Major attraction in 6.60. The skill data is not yet confirmed, but the Stats have been leaked.

Batrider is INT hero, located in Neutral Tavern, and stats are -
19 + 2.1 / 15 + 1.5 / 24 + 2.5 (Yea, Much of a Tank Caster)

Plus, Tauren Chieftain is Sentinel STR hero, but the stats are NOT confirmed yet.
(Not even name is confirmed... Stay tuned)


GML: New Game in the Works...

Just to let the readers know, A new physics-enhanced-puzzle game is in the works...

The game implements the well known concept - Gravity. Yes, it's a puzzle game that involves a lot of timing, thinking and more importantly, concepts and understanding about Gravity.

The aim of the game is fairly simple...

You have to help a little particle to reach the target, but it's not that simple as it sounds.

Note that you have no direct control over the particle. Instead, you control the Attractors. You can set the Attractors and remove them, generating a Gravity field, or suddenly removing it. This way, you can orbit, and also project the particle, with Varying velocity...

That means you must be good with physics, esp. with Gravity and Classic Mechanics. I myself find this game very challanging and tough to play. 

The key lies in saving up the Attractors for later use, Less the Attractors you use, the remaining are added to your stock, hence, you'll be able to use more Attractors in the further levels. This makes you think and play rather than play in reckless fashion.

Pay very close attention to what comes up on the screen, Remember the hints given and plan accordingly. Or else, your game's over.

So far, The game will not allow you to restart a level, Instead, you should restart from the begining. But, I shall soon make a Restart Level Capability as well. 
(Duh, A little more coding and stuff.)

The game iself uses the modified engines of G Field and Toy Box. You'll notice that I have reverted to the engine of G Field 2 instead of G Field 3. Despite having higher degree of accurecy in G Field 3, I had to revert back to the G Field 2 engine. As, the reason is simple. The gamer must be able to keep up. The game is significantly challanging by now, If I would have G Field 3 engine, it would have become near impossible.
(Additionally, Toy Box engine was not compatible with refined and optimized code of G Field 3) 

Now, why Toy Box engine? Why not use more accurate engines?
I mean, GML ports of PhysX and NewTon and available? Then why use ToyBox?

Well, the reason is simple, Toy Box, even being shabby, unoptimized, it's my engine. And the ports of PhysX and NewTon require the Commercial licences to use.
(Why should I pay for it when I can make it myself?)

You'll be glad to know that the Internal Alpha version of the game, containing 6 levels and a average looking Menu-screen is done.

Here's a video of showing the current look of the game...

Note that this is internal Alpha. There will be significant amount of changes in the final release.

If, you are still wondering what is G Field Engine?
Here's a quick introduction.

G Field is a Gravity Engine. I wrote it myself using classic Newtonian formulae and it supports all basic Gravity functions, including elliptical orbits and even fly-by's. The basic mechanics behind G Field can be easily understood by a high school level student, though implementing it in such a way was really a challange.

My aim while making G Field was to provide students and other my friends a playful platform where they no longer need to rely on the imagination to see how the particles act under the Gravity.

The initial release features pretty primitive Gravity engine. Though subsequent upgrades G Field 2 refined the code and provided a way to see the complete dynamics even by setting Attractors in motion!

The final upgrade G Field 3 engine is a full fledged Gravity engine, supporting all Gravity functions that I described above.

If you want to take a look yourself, Here is the link

New Template...

Hello people...

I hope you're enjoying this new template I have put up. It's quite comfortable to handle and looks too nice. Though I miss the old Anime / Manga view corner... I think this is still fine.

Do you want Anime / Manga corner to return?

Plus, I might add up a Screenie of the day corner... Let me know your comments...

Complexity Increments...

Well, I agree that the Blog is about Warcraft, but about the Experiments as well...
I could not stop thinking about renaming it as

- My Warcraft / Experiments -


The biggest news of today is that I have finally figured out the Cloth Simulation using GML. It's sweet, I liked it.

I have uploaded a small, cute video of the system... Check out.

Well, if you check out the video, You'll find that most of the regular cloth physics are nicely followed. The funny thing is that it follows the "Rope" physics. and cloth is treated as a collection of such Ropes. Interesting, isn't it?

You'll see that Yellow dots are the Fixed Vertices. Though they are unyielded i.e. Can be conbtrolled by the user. Plus, every "Dot" I mean, control point can be individually controlled.

As I demonstrate here, I pull the Cloth away, strech it and so on. As each control point associates the weight with the colth, and that is additive with more such points added, remember that more control points means more accurecy, but more weight with your cloth.

Thankfully, with good gravity control, I can readuce the weight, but it probably cause negative effects on the elastic behaviours. More experiments with it will give some more results.

The system works out brilliantly so far... Let's hope it can support and work with Rigid Bodies as well. (Which seems difficult at the moment due to the vast code differences)

The New level of Gaming Shame : WoW Pod

As if World of Warcrafters needed another way to isolate themselves from the world, the WoW Pod, as described by its creators at MIT, is "an immersive architectural solution for the advanced WoW (World of Warcraft) player that provides and anticipates all life needs." Translation: it's an individual bungalow simulating the look and feel of an authentic hut within the Azeroth universe, and if you think the outside is scary, wait until you open the door.

Once inside the tiny space, you'll notice that it's entirely self-contained, and that's to discourage the player from ever leaving. Almost all basic human needs are provided, including a throne that doubles as a toilet (aww, that's gross), a cookpot, stovetop, and, of course, a computer and monitor for WoWing.

Most importantly, the hut solves one of WoW's biggest pitfalls: breaks. See, a quick pause of the game to take a break can be catastrophic to a player's avatar. Even a bathroom run or a simple snack can result in death, or worse, banishment from one's guild, so anything a player can do to restrict distraction is good. And here's where it gets scary.

The Concept of WoW Pod

When a player gets hungry playing inside the hut, he or she just selects one of the prepackaged food packs on the wall (labeled "Soothing Turtle Bisque" and "Beer Basted Ribs" to further the fantasy), holds the printed semacode under a scanner, and places it on the hot plate. From here, the hardware takes over and physically adjusts the hotplate to cook the food for the right amount of time while the player's corresponding avatar pauses the game and loudly announces the progress to others in the realm: "Vorcon's meal is about to be done!"..."Better eat the ribs while they're hot!"

When the meal is done cooking, the game is automatically placed in AFK (Away From Keyboard) mode to allow the gamer sufficient time to eat without fear of a quick strike. Once satisfied, the avatar actively returns to continue exploring, but there are virtual side effects; for example, overeating can result in avatars feeling sluggish and unresponsive to control.

To me, this feels like a giant step backward. I thought online multiplayer games did good to encourage teamwork and build communities, but never in the name of intentional escapism. This hut is the grown-up version of a children's playhouse, except that these players will probably go in and never come out. (Except for a shower, which is forunately not included)

Brilliant idea, but I guess the nerds at MIT need to really learn where to put their brains... I mean, into some really productive and useful work.

Nonetheless, this is really a NEW level of gaming shame.

Starcraft II : New Stuff.

Here's what I gathered from Blizz's Offcial Message Boards...

Dark Pylon
Long used only by the Dark Templar of Shakuras, the Dark Pylon is now used by all as the Protoss war for survival becomes more desperate. In addition to providing supply and giving power to nearby Protoss structures, the Dark Pylon has several unique abilities that require energy to use.

Yes, it's true. Karune - Blizz Representative of Official Boards has confirmed this new addition into Protos faction. Thoug this structure requires much of a Micromanagement to use, it also serves as a Energy Battery. Plus, it is a Quick Cloaking Generator that can cloak multiple units in a single sweep. Wow!

The Energy Battery part sounds like a Warcraft III Moon Well to me. :)

Zerg Queen
The Zerg Queen has continued to evolve over the last few months. She is a fierce defender of the Zerg Hatcheries and can often be found in small groups defending the larger Zerg infestations. In addition to defending her Hatchery from ground and air threats, the Queen has several special abilities that require energy to use.

Yeah, the infamous Queen is back! I dunno if she still has the "Infest Command Center" ability of hers but current queen is fearsome as well. Having many abilities like Quickly creating Creep over the target area, plus spawning additional Larvae quickly over any Hathery, Lair or Hive, upto 4 of 'em! That means Zerg unit production rate will be more double!

Plus, this baby packs a punch by Creating a Swarm, that greatly damages enemies, almost similar to the Warcraft III Locust Swarm. You know how deadly this can be. However, it is not clear if the ability is like Locust Swarm or like Tornado. Nonetheless, it is great.

Plus, Here's an extract from Official Blizz Message board...

...StarCraft compared to Warcraft III, does not focus on heroes as much, and heroes or units do not have the same experience gaining mechanic as Warcraft III, making it difficult to imagine how a Warcraft III game could be reproduced for StarCraft. Nonetheless, after chatting it up with our devs, we found out the ability to allow heroes and units to gain experience is built into the Map Editor, though it will not likely be in single player or standard multiplayer. In addition, those units can also be toggled to have the ability to carry an inventory, which is also a characteristic needed in Warcraft III custom maps. With those two additions, we can rest assured that our clever community modders can handle the rest in creating some awesome custom games...

Does it mean Experience gaining mechanics are present in StarEdit2...?
Well, In a way, Yes!

Expect a BftC: Starcraft Edition as soon as SC2 comes out!

Carrion Swarm : A New Map Concept.

Well, the map is actually a Mini-Game. Where the aim is to get your army of creatures as large as possible. You play as a Carrion Beetle. That walks around, all the time. Never able to stop. The army of lesser beetles will follow you and protect you where ever you go. But here's a difference. The army will rise in size as you defeat other Carrion Beetles or their minions. You have a unique way of doing so.

Firstly. There's a defined area. You have to always direct the Carrion Beetle as you want, making sure it doesn't touch the protective walls of the area. If it does, you'll lose a life, and hence all the beetles that you have summoned on your side. And you'll be restored with only Five Beetles.

The Beetle you command, say Lord. Has very unique abilities. He can sacrifice the minions to regain lost health, Command his beetles to attack the enemy. You can only control the Beetle Lord, and hence, this makes the game a lot easier ans challanging.

Beetle Lord has ability to sacrifice one of the beetles to regain lost health, which is done by simple keypress. The attacks order is tricky. At the moment I have no satisfactory system that can accomplish this, but it can be done. My idea of attacking is that you designate the target Beetle Lord by Simple Clicking on it by your Mouse, then, the Target indicator would appear over him. Showing everyone that who's attacking who. Then, By simple keypress you can send Beetles attacking on him. The ordered Beetles would walk upto the target, and suicide upon it. Damaging the target. At least One and At most of Five beetles can be sent attacking at a time, And when the attack is launched, enemy can see how many beetles were launched upon it. The third ability is the Defensive one. It allows you to launch a single beetle which muct not be assigned to any attacking orders, upon the enemy attacking beetles. Your beetle will go and attack upoon the beetles send towards you, causing a vilonent explosion, that will damage everything around.

Lost beetles are replenished over time. Plus, if you have managed to damage the enemy, another beetle will instantly rise up, bolstering your army. If you manage to destroy the Beetle Lord, all his beetles will belong to you!

There are several powerups, which are grabbed by running over them. Which, are used instantly. The have different effects- Invulnerable, Haste, Quad Damage and notably Global War Treaty, which would reduce half of the beetles enemy has! (Not to mention the number does not fall below Five)

A point to be noted, Beetles will have a 400 movement speed while Lord moves only at 250 Movement speed. But, Grabbing Haste power can cause Lord's movement to reach 500. Be careful though, on the high speeds you can leave your precious swarm behind.

This map is already in the works, and right now only about 25% finished.
More comments and suggestions are most welcome...

BftC:R Spotlight : Rune Mage

Samus Flamecaster - If the name doesn't scare you, then either you are a great warrior or an overconfident fool. Samus is the terrifying Rune Mage. The ideal supporter and the walking Spell Factory.

A Backstage edition featuring Samus's story has already been published, and here we go, with a Spotlight.

Rune Mage is all about magic, tricks and unpredicable stuff. You cannot predict what Rune Mage can do, even you see him running around will all of his Runes summoned, you still cannot predict what is it till it's unleashed onto you, and you know it's already too late.

The basics of Rune Mage is not only the Rapid Keypress but rather a strategic and wise one. The tricks and mindgames that you play with your opponent is what makes Rune Mage a deadly guy on the battlefield.

The Noble-looking Rune Mage, Beware though. Looks can easily fool you.

The basic innates are Runecrafting. Positive and Negative. You can cast at most of three runes, and thus four combination possibilities exist. All Positive, All Negative, Two Positive and Two Negative. Once you know which combination to follow at what time, congratulations, you are halfway there learning the probably most difficult hero.

The next stage is real fun. Rune Mage has three abilities - Bind, Reject and Conjure. When you have formed the Runes, cast one of these and depending on the combinations, the effect will appear. Example Using all Negatives with Conjure will cause a Flame Shock directed to the target, which damages it. While, using all Positives with same will cause a Holy Light to affect the target, restoring the hitpoints. You have three methods, each with 3 Runic combinations making effectively Twelve spells right at your disposal. Use them well, Hit it or Lose it!

Reject being used on, Has different effects depending on what's Rune Combination

The ability array is wide and astounding. He's got almost every trick up his pocket. He can use invisibilty, and even turn anyone ethereal, plus, he can restore Mana overtime or Boost anyone's attack rate. Can clear off the deadly buffs and also, put enemy into dark magic, making it unable to do anything till it's damaged, and so on. Thus making him the most versatile hero of BftC, able to adopt any strategy, and assist any hero in all respects.

The effects and eye candy was a part that was greatly needed for someone like Rune Mage. Though I could really make some good eye candy, Rune Mage doesn't have flashy effects. Still, I hope you will like 'em. ;)

Effects for Bind. I use Time Lock to greatly slow down the Target

I use Reject to Restore by own Heath and Mana

The ultimate of Rune Mage is what makes it deadly. The most devastating part of it, that it's a Pure Damage dealing skill that can take out even buildings. Nothing can survive if it stepps under it's area of effect. The Destruction Desire is truely fearsome as it's rage really exceeds the standard attack or spell ranges. If assisted by his teammates, Rune Mage can clear off the structures and level the entire base within few minutes!

Destruction Desire.
Destroying a Tower easily being out of it's Firing Range ;)

Designing Rune mage was the damn hardest part of it. As GUI framework was fairly easy. But what about the Coding part? Surely checking Rune combinations and triggering the effects of Bind, Reject and Conjure each was easy at all. Additionally, these three abilities were levellable! Which means the spells used with Runes should have increased effects when used at a higher level. Example - Invisibility used with Reject level 2 would last for lot less time than if it would have with Reject level 5. And so on goes for everything. The Flame Shock's damage increments and Holy Light heals multiple units.

Tricky part was the Ultimate, in the game system. The Flame damage is actually magical. But here, It's a Physical type damage. The armor reactance is Physical but yet, it will still damage the ethereal foes!

Okay, here we're through with the Rune Mage.
I'll shortly be back with another... Stay tuned.

BftC:R Brainstorm : Gunslinger 2

Hello again, As I have promised I have came up with another out-of-the-box idea for Gunslinger. The ability planned is quite simple. But really useful in may scenes.

The ability is greatly in synergy with Camouflage. It is an activatable / deactivatable ability. Doesn't consume any mana at all. And a true talent of the Sniper!

Name's yet pending, But I suppose In Position or Locked and Loaded should suit it well. When activated, Gunslinger will Stand Ground, not able to move, but gains an Extra Sight, Range and Extra Effects on the attacks. He doesn't auto aqquire the targets, but rather shoot where player Right-Clicks. Higher the distance, more the chance of missing on the shot. If used on the Moderate distance, sometimes may cause the bullet to fragment in air, resulting into AoE spread damage.

I would probably design a Talent system exclusively for Gunslinger, so that he can either learn how to keep a shot steady or cause the bullet to fragment midair, In other words, depending on the talent, You can either cause Maximized AoE spreads or direct-hit Bull's-Eye shots.

These talents will also affect the regular attacks of Gunslinger. Speadshot can cause him to do Area of Effect damage, but reduced damage on primary targets, on the otther hand, Bull's-Eye can cause im to deal piercing damage, that is effective against target! It's entirely player's choice which talent tree to follow. Cause if you follow one talent, the unique features pf other aren't available. Example, Following the Bulls-Eye will give you Headshot and Golden Gun talents, where you can cause significant damage to target if timed properly. Whereas the Fragment Shot talents give you Rapid-Fire, Backfire and Old-West-Tricks talents, which specializes in damaging multiple enemies, instead of single target.

Secondly. As I just had thought it out, Gunslinger is a lot different than regular Heroes, and significant difference is that He will not Auto-Aqquire the enemies. You can order him to attack though, and when he does, he would only attack once. This was due to the Talent system management and Camauflage tricks.

Yet, another form of Camauflage can be thought of as the Fake-Removal of legal targeting for Auto-Attacks. Which means, even if you (As a Human player) know someone is there, Your hero does not! Hence, he and hence fellow forces will not automatically attack on the Gunslinger while he's Camauflage. But, he will be a Valid target right after he drops the disguise.

The ultimate is still underway... I presume, that when it does finish, it shall be amazing.

Stay Tuned...

BftC: R Brainstorm : Gunslinger

The fourth and final hero in INT category, Gunslinger.
Well, I had this concept i mind for a lot longer time, but never could actually put it down. Gunslinger was too chaotic topic to think upon, and if you consider Gunslinger to be an average Sniper guy, you already have lots of such Sniper Heroes floating around. What would make this guy different, then?

Thankfully, a few people have come to help. Bloodcount and Sidove from TheHelper.NET have really contributed their great ideas in making of Gunslinger concept.

The model would be custom-made, the Rifleman Elite model that was featured in Elimination Tournament. (I was lucky enough to grab it) And it would feature all high-def and super skill abilities.

The first ability concept is Camouflage. Do not be mistaken with the standard invisibility ability. Camouflage is actually vertex color changing ability. The Gunslinger would change his robes and cloak to match the color of surroundings and hence becoming a lot difficult to spot. This means, he would change Green while standing on Grass or near Trees, and change Blue if standing over water. Additional time spent in camouflage will cause Gunslinger to become more adept at using it, gaining Evasion, that rises over time. Plus, the Gunslinger would become partially transparent to enemy's eye, making it even harder to spot. However, leaving the area would cause him to lose all disguise and revert Evasion back no none.

The second ability - the infamous Gunstinger! Upon special request from Bloodcount, the ability was almost confirmed for the Hero. Gunstinger is staple move from Devil May Cry series, first featured in Devil May Cry 3. The user would dash forward towards the target, ramming his gun's muzzle into the target, and hence damaging the foe, while the foe is thus stunned, user would pull the trigger, and a point blank discharge, right into the face of the unfortunate foe, tossing it off. Well, it can be really good. Gunstinger is a great move for someone carrying a Gun.

Two more abilities are required to make this Hero ready to go. Well, I shall think of 'em soon enough. Till then, See ye'

BftC:R Spotlight : Archon

Executor the Archon - Most terrifying hero on the battlefield right now. What I had in mind when I designed him?

Well, the theme was Psi energy - A concept from Starcraft. But I wanted the hero to be Warcraftish, so while browsing though various models, I came upon the model that made me quickly get to work on this guy.

Archon was the name instantly thought of, in Starcraft, Archon is created by merging two High Templars together, they are the high level units, tough and strong. But my Archon, has more of a tactical use than the brute fight force.

The first ability Telekinesis, was in fact made a long time ago. I made it for Warlock, which was originally to go on with Lich model. But the plans changed, Lich model was given to the Destroyer. And Telekinesis came to Archon.

What does Telekinesis do? Well, it's amazing skill. Useful for both offensive and defensive purposes. At first cast, it makes target held off. Protecting it from all sorts of damage, but trapping it. The second cast, would throw the trapped unit towards the new target. The trapped target would be propelled in air, landing in the area of the new target, dealing terrible damage. The trick is, the skill requires at least two targets, You cannot target self or the once targeted unit again for the Trap duration. But the effects of the ability make up for the shortcoming of having more guys around you. (Not to mention, you can toss up allies too, And they won't be hurt!) Plus, you can protect the target by casting it but not choosing to throw it. The target would be protected for the next 5 seconds. Dusring this time, it's still a valid target for allied healing spells!

The next trick in the Archon's sleeve is Chrono Field. The swirling energy vortex that drains Kinetic energies of the area, making everything go slow. But Archon himself is unaffected! Ecen your allied units would go slow inside the Chrono Field, but only Archon is able to maintain his kinetic energy. This is greatly useful in both attack and escape tactics, as this covers fairly good Area of Effect.

Archon's Chrono Field, Eye Candy is what makes it Sweet!

The third skill is truely fearsome about Archon. It's called the Mind Fog. The skill passively boosts the Mana Regeneration of nearby units, but more fearsome is the effect. When Archon is attacked, or hit, The Mind Fog will be released, causing Archon to be hidden inside and restore his health over the time. Additionally, Mind Fog is the vast Psi in physical manifestation form, so all enemies who step into the Fog shall suffer a terrible damage, while they are inside the Fog. Hence, maintaining your distance is the best option when Mind Fog is released.

Archon in the Trademark Mind Fog

The ultimate is the most devastating about Templar - Psi Storm. Various Orbs of Psi Energy whirl around Archon, forming a strange shape... And there beings a Chaos... The orbs emit out the countless Psi projectiles at all nearby enemies... Less the enemies, more the damage it suffers, additionally closer it is to the Archon, more the projectiles fired upon. It is impossible to figure out how much damage is done... But one thing is certain, Even Tauren Chieftain with Fury and Honor activated cannot match Templar's Fury when Psi Storm is on. The vast power makes a lethal combination with Chrono Field, making Archon a truely fearsome force of vast, raw power.

Old Psi Storm screenie, The shape of Orbs has been modified now

Even Mind Fog can go in Combination with Psi Storm

Dragonball Evolution : The Live Action Movie!

Yes, what you hear and read is correct! Dragonball - the live action movie has been released. The movie by 20th Century Fox and screnplay by Ben Ramsey, Directed by James Wong. - The guy who directed Sci-Fi thrillers like Final Destination and breathtaking action movies like Jet Li's The One.

The movie features Justin Chatwin as Goku, Yes, the Guy from the War of the Worlds. And two hotties - Emmy Rossum and Jamie Chung as Bulma and Chi-Chi respectively. Importantly, Master Roshi is played by Yun-Fat Chow - The guy who played Capn' Sao Feng in Pirates of Caribbean 3 : At World's End! Additionally he was in the lead role in Shaolin action movies - Bulletproof Monk and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.
Hmm... The movie surely promises a lots of action.

One thing's certain though, the Anime/Gaming world and Anime/Game movie producers are happy with a Good Find - Jamie Chung! She's bagged the Red Alert 3 : Uprising's role as Takara. Awesome!
As far as Emmy Rossum goes, she's featuring in a good role after a long time.

Anyway, The movie's antagonist in King Piccolo! James Marsters - a TV star is debuting on the Big screen. Wow, really promises to be great. His assistant of destruction Mai is played by - Eriko Tamura who has starred in many Live-Action series in Japan, most notable of them are Inochi no umi, and in way back - Kurenai.

So, what the heck are we waiting for?

Obviously - Just for movie to on air in India!

I just can't wait, for the eastern legend coming to life...

BftC: Reloaded : Game Systems

There were many systems that I needed to add inside to make the project interesting and unique. As opposed to most of the AoSs out there, it's true that BftC: Reloaded can be looked upon as just another AoS. But, it's got many features that make it a slightly different one.

The first change is the Traditional Gold system. I modified it that you no longer get gold by killing enemy. Instead your hero is paid for the services. The gold gained is proportional to the level of the hero and will gain gold twice the in game day/night cycle. The change was made to keep the Team work rather than each player struggling for Gold.

Secondly, Full Xp control, and Global Sharing of Xp. If no hero is present nearby, the Xp is shared globally. And this allows some-better gameplay mechanincs. Ofc, this is rather new for a AoS type, where Global Xp share is generally disbanded.
(Xp stands for Combat Experience - Heroes gain experience through combat, becoming more powerful)

Third different stuff is the Mob Spawns. This time, a large amount of the forces would come out of the Barracks or unit-training structures. This, makes combat a lot of large-scale, Giving you a experience of commanding a large army instead of small tactical troops. Breaking through the enemy defences adds additional reinforcements to your side, eventually, completely outnumbering the enemy forces. Additions to the forces spawned is fast and quick, and hence, large armies, large battles is the essential part of the game.

The final difference is the revival of a Fallen Hero. When your hero dies in a combat, he doesn't have to stay dead for lot longer, he is revived instantly! At the cost of gold, of cource, but the instant revival adds a great pace to the game. And encourages the players to perform the dangerous feats like chasing and hunting enemy deep in the enemy territory itself.

Plus, I have not forgotten the user-friendly part of it. Most of the skills are user-friendly. Plus a Cooldown UI indicates whether a spell or ability is ready to be used. Additionally, the attribute based abilities would indicate instantly that how much damage they had done by means of Dynamic-Fading-Texts (called as TextTags, in general) Additionally, the abilities that have a chances to succeed will indicate a Success! Texttag if they have an effect - Like Rune Mage's Rune creation and casting the spells depending on Combination.

That's all for now.

Oh yes, Rage Winterchill needs a lot of updates... Probably a complete rework...
Stay tuned guys...
A spotlight on Archon is underway... You'd not want to miss it.

BftC:R Backstage : Royal Guard Story

When Illidan Stormrage called, countless Naga were summoned up from the depths of the Maelstrom. One of them was the Royal Guard - Xel'Nog. Usually different from the other Royal Guards, Xel'Nog was considered of lower rank among them. However, being personal guard of the Lady Darkscale - a powerful commander of Naga Strike force, Xe'lNog maintained his hold and command over the Naga forces.

Soon the time came, and Lady Darkscale was forced to rally under command of Lord Illidan. Xel'Nog, as per her instructions, stayed behind and watched over the territory and undersea temple of Darkscale legacy. Now left alone, and with the only support gone, Other Royal Guards mocked upon the unusual abilities of Xel'Nog, which were far different from their own kin.

Nearly driven mad by the insulting taunts, Xel'Nog once came up on the surface and eased his mind by sitting alone. Days after days, Xel'Nog usually would surface up and sit alone, brooding over what was it that made him suffer all this... However, days became months, and yet, Nothing would come upon him...

Xel'Nog the Royal Guard

One day, when he couldn't stand it at all, he rose up and with one swift motion, knocked out several of the mighty Royal Guards that were insulting his strength, and thereby, questioning upon his status as a proud Royal Guard. Seeing nearly half of the folks fell easily by the power of a single blow, rest fled for their lives and never would return to mock upon him or insult him.

Xel'Nog however, remained alone, faithfully upon his duty, haven't heard about a single word from his beloved mistress. But always believed that she would return, and he would then beg her to release from his long duty, for the slight glimpses of the Surface world had fascinated him and he wanted to explore more of it.

None of the Lords he prayed to would heed his prayers. Till the day, when the ominious news arrived that Lady Darkscale had been undone. All the legacy would belong to Lord Illidan now, and had appointed another as the watcher over the Sunken Darkscale Temple.

Heavy on heart, the blow fell. Xel'Nog's honor, position and status of a proud Royal Guard of the Darkscale dynasty was taken away in an instant. With his life, that held no meaning anymore, he exiled himself from the depths of the endless sea, and came over the surface world. When he arose, he found the small little island, on which the battle was about to break in. His heart broken, the only thing stood before him was one last hope... By offering his services to either of the sides and leading them to victory by his own deadly skill, perhalps he could regain his lost honor, and his pride...

He raised his Trydent and swam gracefully towards the isle...

...towards the Battle for the Conquest which was about to begin...

BftC: Reloaded Brainstorm : Destroyer

Ever since I have announced that Rage Winterchill is going to be the next Hero in the INT catagory, I am all overworked for thinking a suitable skillset.

First skill that was 100% certain, and that had been showcased before - The Awakened Form.
The transformation that Drains MP over time, but grants bonus, deadlier effects on the other Spells, (Exception of Ultimate - Neverending Winter ;) ) The added ability with Awakened Form is that it absorbs a portion of damage, and on the higher levels it can take about half of the damage away.

The Chain of Fate is an innate spell, mainly for harassment. It's initial cast deals less damage but marks the target with a Buff. Additional casts will gradually increase the damage, by adding an amount of INT attribute. Finally, making it a huge annoying harassment ability. Additional features can include casting on Allied unit where it can be Sacrified to gain Mana.

The Second skill - Black Rose - could be an AoE target spell, channeling, which would grow stronger over time. The spell would addup damage over time and when stopped or finished casting, inflict the damage over target AoE. This ability will have a reasonable AoE and could make a nice creeping spell. However, while awakened form, the damage begins right when the Destroyer starts casting it, instead of accumulating it and inflicting later and will go on amplified over time, making it progressively stronger over time, that makes difficult even to the STR heroes to stand and fight in it's effects. Sadly, it's easy to avoid, as opponents can simply get out of the AoE.

The third skill, as suggested by Zack at TheHelper.NET community, should be a Freezing Armor, the signature theme of the Liches of Northrend. The Armor that freezes the external of the Destroyer's body, blocking the damage considerably, however, over the time Armor will melt away and unleash the Freezing Aura which would slow down the nearby enemies, More the Armor melts and loosens, more the freezing aura released and slower the nearby enemies become.
I am not sure about the Awakened Version of this ability, though. Let us hope that Zack saves the day again. ;)

That's all for now... Stay tuned.

BftC:R Backstage : Archon story

Telekinesis - one of the wonders of Psi, had originated a long time ago, some say it was Titans who were the original creators, or some say, it's an innate inner power that every living organism has. But, for truth, non had ever been able able to unravel the mystery.

Executor (True name unknown), was one of the Voidwalkers of such unknown origins had mastery over Telekinesis for too long. However, wicked and twisted by nature, he enjoyed through others pain. Making them suffer as he laughed at their demise. He went so far in the Telekinesis and plunged himself into the domain of true power - 'Psi'.

Mind Control was the only thing he didn't learn, cause he did not want to. He long knew the pain and suffering that be brought to his unfortunate victims and he feared it. Yes! Executor feared pain, he lived to inflict it upon others, but wanted always to be away from it, so that the voices of doom would never echo upon his mind again. That was the chief reason why he never peeped inside the minds of others. But he would thoroughly enjoy the sad demise of his victims, being crushed cruely by his maddening Psi abilities.

Executor the Archon - Unstable Raw but Massive Power

Driven by his will alone, to torture the victims, so much that would finally plead him to grant them death, Executor joined the massive army of Burning Legion. Kil'jaeden, quickly realizing the potential true warrior of Legion, quickly accepted him as one of the upper highs. Driven under the rule of the other mighty Lord - Archimonde, Executor came upon the world of Azeroth, and hence, there began the legend of an Extremely wicked and twisted beast, who enjoy nothing but pain of others.

Executor's physical appearance matched with a Voidwalker, but inside, he was a living vessel of the tremendous Psi energy, a swirling, unstable vortex of raw power, that would consume anything and simply break it down, as he broke the wills of survival and living of countless victims. While Archimonde sought the Power of the Nodra'ssil, Executor marched upon the Maelstrom - for that was all he needed - the unstable vortex of raw power, much like is own.

Not to mention that he did not get the power to claim as his own, He was stopped by the fury of endless Sea itself. For many days he brooded upon overcoming the thick cover of the substance called Water, but all his efforts were fruitless, as he was seeing such a thing for the very first time in his long, twisted lifetime.

Maddened, and disappointed, Executor came back to the land, intending to unite back with the Legion, only to find the Legion defeated and the Lord Archimonde undone... Now left behind as the Legion's army fled back to the Twisting Nether, Executor hid hemself in the shadows, waiting for the opportunity till he could rise up again. Only a slightest spark, of Weapons clashing, or the Wands and Mystic Staves swinging and Jets of energies or Rain of Arrows flying acrosee the battlefields, anywhere and anytime... And Executor would appear back, ready to offer his services, to any side cause it does not matter long as he enjoys bringing others to Pain and Doom.

Maybe that is why,
that exactly is why...
He is there... in Battle for the Conquest.

TheHelper.NET community demands a Release!

After about a month of [WIP] tag at Project's thread, my three days absence took a heavy toll o the Project's thread. Furious members and supporters have demanded a release!

The community was kept well up-to-date with the latest screenshots and changelogs, however, anyone would want to play it rather than just keep looking at the screenshots!

Let's hope that I finish a good portion of it and can bring project to a stable state from which it can be launched. I look forward to grab support from Major communities like HiveWorkshop or Wc3Campaigns.NET.

I do not intend to release this map in a hurry. I shall take my time, think over, make it a stable one and only then, I can launch an initial release, which, I believe must be kept well updated.

BftC:R Backstage : Rune Mage Story

Positive and Negative, both sides co-exist and yet, untouched by each other. The very balance of the nature and hence of the universe is the balance between Light and Darkness and effectively Positive and Negatives. Some call it the Creator, some call it the Science of Existance...

The young mage of Wood Elf community was fascinated by the strange law of Co-existance of the Positives and Negatives. Runecrafter by profession, Samus was the youngest offspring in the honoured Flamecaster bloodline. Giving up the position of the Shadow Advisor of Wood Elf community, young Samus set off for distant travels, to make contact with outter worlds, something that was stricktly forbidden and unforgivable within the Wood Elf community.

The Rune Mage - Most Versatile Hero

During the travels, Samus watched the other life-forms and studied their lifestream and flow of the energies, to his surprise, he found many other species were gifted with the knowledge of using the mystical energies that Wood Elf called the Essence of Life. He aqquired many techniques and being a swift learner, mastered them in no time.

Samus, now grown into a strong and powerful Mage, did not forget his original quest - to unravel the mystery of Co-existance, But over the years having perfected his Runecrafting skills, he masterfully could craft the runes, capturing the very essence of Positivity and Negativity, isolated from the rest. The isolated Runes, which gave him immese knowledge of the ways of life and mystical energies.

But the time came, when is peaceful studies came to halt. The Burning Legion had returned and the currption widespread across the lands. Samus could not allow the demons to run wildly and was forced to take arms against them. Being an expert Runecrafter and Masterful Mage, he drove them back out of the sanctuary that he had built himself. He thus, invented how to combine the Runic essence of Positives and Negatives and form extraordinary, powerful magic currents that took different effects when exposed to the nature via different methods. He had long studied all forms of Magic used by all kinds of Magi he had seen during his travels. He had learned Conjuration from Wizards of Dalaran, Binding Magics from the Night Elves and he learned Repulsion and Rejections from the Undead commanders of armies of Walking dead by sheer power of observations. Within no time, Samus found out the various effects on the Runic combinations when used via these methods and techniques, and again, wasted no time in mastering them.

While the Aftermath, Samus took great efforts to rebuild his Santuary and buried himself to the mastery of newfound techniques. Ways and mysteries of universe, life and Co-existance now lay open in from of him. With his dream fulfilled he seeks perfection, and hence, He has emerged from his shell and fights in the Battle for the Conquest.

BftC:R Backstage : Oni Orc Battlemaster Story

Oni Orc Battlemaster! The name is enough even for elite fighters running for their lives... He is fast and stylish. Very few have actually survived from his Demonic Blade and too few are still able to tell the terrible tale. They still remember the glowing blade and it's skillful, rightful wielder - A True Battlemaster - Jubei'thos.

Jubei'thos was a Blademaster of Blackrock Clan. Now, if you remember who he was, you know him, But that's not enough. After suffering defeat once from Arthas's hand, he vowed that he'd not let it happen again, and rallied the Blackrock Orcs again, forming a formidable army.

However, Fate's Dark hand streched upon him once again, and whole Blackrock Clan suffered a horrible defeat against Scourge, This time, led by Arthas, again. Broken and badly setback, Jubei'thos wandered the plagued and wasted lands alone...

And then, something came over him, he seemed determined. The weights of protecting his fellows and family were thrown off, as they all were consumed by lifeless undead. Now he didn't care a bit about anything, casting off his old shamanastic nature, he embraced the Demonic powers. Filled with rage, right from the once noble and caring heart, his blade, which had long become one with him, echoed the terrible changes in it's master and became a vessel of absolute chaos and vortex of raw, brute power.

From that moment, an Orc was cast off, and arose a Powerful Oni Orc, a Blademaster was torn apart, and it was a birth of a Battlemaster. His blade twiched and slashed, cutting across countless foes and they barely had a time to react. The moment his blade would start glowing and emitting the strange aura, the armies would abandon the field and fly away only to save the life. As nothing has been able to stop him ever since, not even his own kin.

He now fights in Battle for the Conquest, testing himself and dashing across the battlefields, shashing countless foes...

BftC: Reloaded received Community Support

I am glad that TheHelper.NET community is still supporting the development of BftC:Reloaded, despite my absence of the web for few days, thanks to my Final Exams ;)

But, I yet receive replies on the Thread of BftC:R and people are giving me time to continue with it, they are being patient and completely supporting me, Which makes me encouraged to go on with the Modding and Mapping. And esp. continuing with BftC.

Thanks a lot people, I love your support for the Map, Keep posting and I shall not disappoint you.

About the project, Yes, Rage Winterchill is progessing well, Have a spotlight ready, and keep Warm clothings, As the Master of Frost approaches...

BftC:Reloaded : Storylines....

Well, I have't thought much about it though, but it seems completely rational that the Characters must have a storyline... or Background, Maybe.

Let's see... Shall we?

I'll design a perfect one for them... And publish them along with the Spotlight Specials! How's the Idea, People?

BftC:R : Rage Winterchill the Destroyer

While Death Knight in progress... I though I might think about a new concept. This will be third hero in the INT Catagory, and much more destructive than Archon. I am using the model of Warcraft Lich and make this guy a Frost element based one. But the differences are much more than ordinary Frost hero and Rage Winterchill.

The hero has an Awakened Destroyer Form that can be triggered optionally. Though the Destroyer Form puts a Major Drain on the Mana and can only be activated for minimal amount of time, As it reverts to normal if you have no Mana Points left.
(Remember that Mana Points or MP is the Energy used to use abilities or Magic)

The trick is the Optional and Sponteneous Triggering of Destroyer Form. ou can imagine this like Devil Trigger of Devil May Cry but this one takes a lot beyond.

This Form would grant Rage a lot of Hit Points regeneration, and a Bonus effects on the Spells, in fact, completely new effects off spells. The spells would have completely different but more powerful effects.

The concept is still underway, if to leave Destroyer form triggering uncontrollable or optionally triggered by player. But I think, the uncontrollable would be the best idea.

Anyway, I have a screenie of the Awakened Form... Enjoy.

Rage Winterchill in Awakened Destroyer Form

BftC:R : Death Knight : Brainstorm 2

Last time I discussed the making of Death Knight's first skill, Of course the name is still pending, but the basic skill idea remains the same.

Second idea is the Redirection of life flow. Death knight can use his inner strength to supress the flow of life in surrounding area, and the flow can be redirected to anything he wishes, allied or enemy targets...

Supressing the life flow eventually means that the units' life regeneration rate shall be chocked. And they wil no longer regenerate over their current HP. While the life they might have gained over the time shall be redirected to target, if allied healing it and if enemy damaging it. The spell buffs like restoration or rejuvenation are considered and supressed. Which means, more units surrounding the Death knight when he casts the spell, more are the effects and further amplified if surrounding units are buffed up by bonus regenerations.

There can be variations in this skill, Like always enemy target, or always self target, Target area or whatever...

Idea as a concept is brilliant, but I foresee various coding difficulties here. It is not easy to code this stuff and do not intend to use vJASS, or NewGen or even PUI or ABC systems. I have WEU and it might be difficult using that.

Oh, the references above might have sent your brain flying above stratosphere... ;)

A Big Expectation to live up to

Just checked the stats of BftC Classic from our EpicWar Host, and result is truly astonishing. BftC v1.75 has gathered over 9000 downloads at the moment and is rated over 4.5.

Man, this is getting crazier... I am all under pressure now, What if BftC:R doesn't live up to the expectation?

Okay, I better relax, and focus on my work...

Let's hope the best, Shall We?

Hard to say Goodbye... Bloodwrath.

It's been quite hard, harder than ever, to part with one's own creation. So has fate put it's dark hand on me now...

Sorry folks... But I have to say goodbye to my second creation ever since BftC:R began, Bloodwrath the Bloodfiend.

Bloodwrath the Bloodfiend

It has been really nice time. He has great abilities, and potential to become the best character ever created in BftC:R... But it was caught in the bugs and glitches, far to many of 'em. And unfortunately, I have to abandon Bloodwrath and move on.

You'll be there... My boy, I promise.
Once I find to get over with those bugs, I'll revive you...

But til then... I'm sorry...

And there he goes...

BftC: Reloaded Brainstorm: Death Knight

I have already announced that 4th and final hero in STR catagory will be Death Knight. Having Evil Arthas model. Yet, plays nothing like original Evil Arthas.

I had said that this guy will be full of HP-MP Manipulation skills. That means Hitpoits and Mana points would be the primary scheme... Yet, there are surprisingly may hurdles in the way.

Firstly, the Model pisses you off. The model doesn't come with too many animations, It has got on standard Attack and one standard Spell animation. Though much enough for moderate distance casting animations, lack of good sequences hinder the ideas...

Secodly, the Death Knight himself, has a fixed image in the eye of the Gamer, that oh, this guy is a commander of massive army of dead, and equally cruel minded... This really sets you back... You have nothing to counter it, for now, unless you come up with a really good idea.

Let us best concentrate on the ability part. The simplest idea could be the first spell that heals / damages target depending on How much HP is left / lost. Another twist would be the two castable versions, One for HP and other for MP. Both learned and leveled up together but seperately castable. But cannot exist at once on a single target. Only on may be active at given target. (That's a balance part of it)

So, the basic idea would be, if cast on allied unit, less HP /MP it has, more is the rate of regeneration, and if cast on enemy, More HP / MP is has, more is the rate of reduction. It will slow down as target's HP / MP tend to the Full / Zero. In other words, it will never kill the tareget, nor would restore the Health / Mana to 100%. Making it an ideal support skill.

Hmm.. I better get to work on this... Hope by next day, I'd have another great idea. See you... Then.

Still Assembling positive feedback

I am so glad that I have actually got one more from TheHelper.NET community...
Man, I feel so proud of my work...

This was about Storm Raider's New ability - Storm Raid

Oh Lucifer, spare my soul!

Ok, anyway, I was just wondering this: Does Storm Raid reduce the Static Charge by 1 when it is cast? I believe it does if the Static Charges are lost on cast. Better check that You don't want people spending an extra 25 seconds to accumulate Static Charges that will be wasted.

The map is progressing really nicely! I hope you succeed in taking over Battle.Net or something
I am willing to spam ideas

And this one is about...

You'll see...

Hello mr. eyecandy guy....
your spells definitely look good!
Especially that Psi Storm one...

Well, what was he talking about... I guess this one...

Archon in the Mind Fog

Archon with Mind Fog and Psi Storm

A BftC:Reloaded Spotlight about this guy - Archon
will be posted soon... ...Stay Tuned.

BftC: Reloaded Spotlight: Storm Raider [WIP]

It's time for BftC:R Spotlight again!

This time I had a hard time to put up the spotlight! Cause I was searching someone on the ground while that thing was flying up in the endless Sky!

Yes, I mean the Storm Raider... The terrifying hero of BftC: Reloaded.
What I mean by terrifying... Well, You know, this guy flies up in the sky...

Now what's with that?

Okay.... In the game, there are areas like Cliffs, Waterlines etc. that you cannot normally cross, hence while playing you have to keep an eye on these routes so that none would attack or ambush you and try to take you out. Now, to any moderate level player, this is an easy task. But imagine what happens when you foe can easily fly over the obstacles?

...that is what terrifying about Storm Raider... He can popup anywhere, ambush you, and if it is not working, vanish back above cliffs or water so that you'd never be able to catch him! I mean, no matter how fast you are, you cannot do a cliffjump!

Storm Raider has unique features as a flying hero, the other advantage comes as being a flying hero, and that is the bonus sight! Yes, be default, units on lower heights cannot see past the cliffs or elevated areas, but being a Storm Raider you now can see! That completely eliminates the idea of surprise attack on this guy... You cannot suddenly come down from a height to have him smashed down, he'll see you... Easily!

Of course, the Storm raider cannot see beyond the cliff that is twice of his flying height, but if he raises altitude by hovering overa tree.. or something similar, he can!

Now, for his skills...
Storm Raider is a Thunder Elemntal... That means he playes with electricity.
(Insulated from ground, he's flying, right!)

His first skill is Eye of the Storm...
He shoots out a beam from his eye, and damages every enemy that comes in a way...
Of course he must focus his mind to release the beam and hence, the damage is depending on the INT attribute. This can cause the lower damage at the begining, but as the game progresses, you have damage that rises at incredible rate, additionally, you can addup extra INT boosting items so that he down some 'buffed-up' damage.

Eye of the Storm Test Cast, Amazing!

Eye of the Storm
Storm Raider can move or attack while using this ability... Makes it really useful.

Secondly, he has an innate skill, Static Charge. That accumulates charge over time. But attacking or using an ability will cause to lose the stored charge... The stored charge is used by his signature move - Storm Raid.

Storm Raid is quick and handy tool for both attack creeping*.
It calls down the bolts of lightning from the sky... While each bolt does a specified damage, the number of bolts depend directly on the Static Charge that was accumulated by the Storm Raider.
Of course, thus if you have stored up some real high charge, then you can unleash the really strong Storm Raid that can take down even the strongest enemies.
Additionally, Storm Raid requires Area-target. It means, it will strike on the enemies in the Area selected by user. This enhances the skill part as User must consider the Level of Static charge plus the number of enemies becore casting the Storm Raid. If cast on less number of enemies with High Charge, it would deal tremendous damage, but if cast while low charge and on large group, it would deal a lot less damage as the number of bolts will reduce. The enemies to be struck by bolt are selected randomly, As Storm Raider can only roughly direct a direction, but not have an exclusive control over the bolts. Of course, if you manage to cast it on the single enemy in the whole selected area, then all bots strike him, and deals full damage.

I have picked some screenshots of Storm Raid... And a few more.. Hope you like 'em

Storm Raid on Single Target

Max Power Storm Raid

Storm Raid creates less bolts on Low Charge

After much experiments, I manageg to reduce the Shake of the bolts. and Got'em straight... Hehe

*Creeping - Attacking, engaging and killing the Non-Hero troops of enemy side. This primarily gives experience to hero and levels it up.

Starcraft II : Protoss : Blizzard Calls Community

In Starcraft universe, esp. when BW expansion came out, Dark Templars were the most liked and loved units of the game. Now, according to lore of SC, there are two tribes of Dark Templars, Zerathul and Lenassa.

Zerathul wield a Staff attached with the Double Psi Blades at both ends. And have a great looking animations in game. Where Lenassa Tribe wears a Mask, are completely cloaked and have a fighting style that suits a Rogue like unit. Surprisingly, Community and Gamers loved Zerathul tribe more than they loved Lenassa, but in the Lore, Dark Templars were supposed to be stealthy Rogue like guys, which description matches more with Lenassa!

Now this throws Blizzard into dilemma. Should they use Lenassa Tribe as Dark Templars or the Zerathul Tribe? Which one the gamers and community accept?

Out of this, Blizzard has called upto the Community and Gamers... On Blizzard's Official Message Board, they have made a Poll, and have offered the supporters to vote for it.
They have left with Three Options -

1. Lenassa Tribe
2. Zerathul Tribe
3. Generic Train Dark Templar Action,
but unit trained will be random out of both Tribes.

Lenassa Tribe

Zerathul Tribe

Not to mention that, Community has voted max - About 67% for Option 3
Not Surprisingly, the community reported that they'd love Zerathul, but they should have option to try out Lenassa Tribe, too. And, this would bring a real fun to the game.

And thus the little story comes to end...

Conclusion: Blizzard loves it's community and respects them, unline EA.

BftC: Reloaded - Brainstorming for Storm Raider

When I made Storm Rider... I had only one idea in mind...
The flying guy with Thunder Elemental as the base, And now, I am stuck with it.

Unfortunately, I have no idea about what to do next. I only made one God-Damn-Cool-Looking ability for him and I have to make some more to match it. So, Let's hope that I make it.

I have a few Ideas - A Quick ability like 'Storm Raid' that you can instantly cast and it deals effective damage over the area, or target area... This should make him a effective group hunter.

Second idea involves his wings - I mean the flying... He can actually Swoop-down and hurt someone real big! Dealing heavy damage and preferably, stun it or knock it away with the impact. Sounds cool, 'eh? So, it can be done...

Third idea would be the 'Static Charge' . Being Thunder elemental, and away from ground, he ca store up the Static Charge like a Giant VDG (Van de graff generator) and unleash it at will shocking the target... Or the entire area... If he swoops down, he will electrocute the land, paralyzing enemies but dealing no damage... Additionally, with Static Charge, he can actually increase damage of his other abilities or his base Attack.

Wow, it takes a lot when you think... But it make is so easy when you put it down the paper...

Thanks My-Dear-Little-Blog... You saved the day, again.

BftC: Reloaded Spotlight : Tauren Chieftain

The Tauren Chieftain is the Hero with all tanking needs - He's all in one tank and push hero. With his massive size and ultimate strength he can simply tear though enemy defenses...

The Tauren Chieftain watching at player... ;)

What thoughts I came with when I made him...?
Well, I wanted to make a Tauren Chieftain, but it is quite impossible to seperate that Awesome Tank bulk from him... I mean, you just cannot make him a caster or a support hero, he is all-in-one Tank and Breakdown Guy! So, I retained Shockwave... the signature ability of the Tauren, and added a Stomp that knockbacks! Now with all that bulk, you know his attack must be really nasty and should hurt like hell.. So, I made the 'Slam' ability that causes Tauren to hit enemy with all his might!
There we go...

A Terr-Shaking Stomp that tears the Land apart!

Now for the Ultimate...
Reincarnatin is too common for a Hero, and I did not want BftC: R to have a hero that takes double pai to die... So, I made 'Fury and Honor' - The innovative ultimate skill that adds to Tauren STR attribute that when ever he takes damage... Potentially, increasing his damage, hitpoits and regeneration rates, and adding to his abilities as most of them depend on STR attibute. Tha means, while this skill is active (Whole 30 seconds), more the Tauren is damaged, scarier he becomes... It is impossible to gank and finish him, because of his constantly rising STR.

Okay, a photo or two about him will ure make you happy... Here we go on the Photo Ride!

Here's when I cast Fury and Honor! I have STR less than 100

But As I take damage, STR rises to even beyond 100!

And you can see with STR rising, I am not hurt much as increased bonuses keep me healthy!

Assenbling positive feedbacks from TheHelper.NET

Yeah, And I do't believe it either... I am assembling some greatly positive feedback from TheHelper.NET probably the second biggest War3 Modding Community...

Here's a Quick Check-Out of the replies I just got...

Wow! This looks great!
What happened? How come you didn't finish in time (for what, anyway).
Also, its sad that this would be your last big project
Good luck with the map

Also, stuff like...
Looks awesome, Keep it up!
Storm Raider looks awesome!!

So, not to mention that it fills me with extreme joy and inspires me to work a lot furtheron this... I love positive feedback guys... Keep'em coming...

Blizzard's SC 2 April Fool's Joke!

As usual, Blizzard Entertainment has come up a great April Fools' Joke. And, instead of announcing it before April 1st, the guys with brains there has announced it afterwards!
Right on April 2nd, A news flashed on my Gmail,
SC 2 : New Terran Unit Announced!
The unit is heavy assault defense unit called Terra-Tron
And is the ultimate unit in the whole game, on the downside, it is constructed of the entire Terran base structure... And followed up by the link to the page... Official SC2 Web!

Wow, that's brilliant... Blizzard's sure got brains!

Check out the Screenshots I picked up about this massive guy!

Okay, this is great.. I mean.. I can actually mod this guy out! When SC2 Releases... I'd love to make this guy using Brand New StarEdit 2.

Ahem... I went too far with speculations...
...Guess I fell victim to the April Fools' thingy of Blizzard...!

BftC:Reloaded's release draws near!

Now that I have discovered many new secrets of WE, I am gonna implement them, in BftC:Reloaded. It may not be that easy. I am already using WEU and some cool features require NewGen Pack. Now this can put me into trouble.

Anyways... Sorry for not updating this blog for ages, I shall now put my best efforts to keep this place flourishing. As my Warcraft III Workshop has broken down finally, there is no good place where I can express what I feel.

Anyways, Now that I have got new Patch - 1.23 and the damn protection removed that War3 needed CD in the drive to start-up. I can test quick enough.

Secondly, I have added mant UI features to the game. Like ability usage Cooldown cycle is now white instead of Black. And therefore now ou can see the cooldown clearly... And the Button will glow though a cycle of Green Flash as it finishes cooldown. Interesting... Is it not?

Also, I have many plans for mext Mini Game. It shall be a new experiment in Warcraft III AI, as I am gonna implement a new Waypoint AI system. That should make a great way out than the regular Rect Based AI. Players playing as commander can add up a new waypoint andI can make a Waypoint handler system so that useless waypoint can be removed.

The next map shall be Domination-based style. If ou don't know what domination is go and play Unreal Tournament...! It shall be about a squad and a commander. A squad based tactical domination map... Hmm... Sounds cool.