Leave Note...

Well, my academics seem a little speeding up now, as my vacations are over and as you know, I have to focus on the studies.

So, I may be gone for awhile, but I'm not gonna let my projects here die. I will update them and post here as I find time.

Many teachers are keeping a very sharp eye on me as I demontrated some great capabilities during my last academic year. So, to make a long story short, I'm on a hitlist. No wonder I'd be drowned in work and is definitely gonna be Overworked / Underpaid situation. But yet, I'll be right here whenever I find time. Updating the stuff and keeping you informed about all new activities I'd do both in and out of the Academics.

So, that's why a little leave note...

And the least I can do... The Beta V3 of Grid Control - Thanks NEO, You KUPAX rocks!

GML : Quickie Updatie...

Well, as what Amidos has suggested. I have added a Glow around the Structures. Plus, I had increased the difficulty of the waves by one level. The new file has been uploaded to my generous host Kupax.

Here's the Link - [ Download ]

Quickie :
Oh well, Thanks Amidos, your suggestions do worked out. I just have to test this on both High End and Low end machines and and then I can think about more improvements. Cause right now, I'm using a low end macine to work out on this, I would require a little help to figure out how exactly it would look on High End machines. Practically it should look the same on every machine, but I'm nor very sure.

By the Way, I'll welcome all ideas that would develop this further... I liked the game so much and had a lot of fun trying to survive a long as I could.

GML: Grid Control Playable...

Well, Hello again...

As of now, the version of Grid Control - The Real-Time Tower Defense is now in the playable state. I have implemted the Cash system and a scoring system plus the enemy levels increasing in the difficulty and numbers as you play more. Here's a screenshot of my Impenetrable defense network, that took practically about an hour to build up.

Note that the Cash you start out with is greatly limited, though enough for a survival for the early stage. Remember that placements matter a lot as there are different kinds of enemies. The most basic ones head for the castle and when they touch the castle, they steal money. The other kinds include the ones that head for the Stations (O's) and The Power-Lines (X's). Destroying it and hence taking down the entire brach of the defense network.

The innovative gamepay and defense system that make this Tower defense stand out from the usual ones... It has mostly an automated gameplay, high level Enemy AI. Thus, minimizing the micromanagement mostly required in RTS-like games.

I hope you guys liked this one. Quickly try out and tell me how's it.. Download link is located at the Top-Right corner.

Oh yes. If you are wondering about the Tesla Bolts, I turned them off in the screenshots. You can press X to deactivate them if you observe the Lag in the gameplay.

GML: Improvements...

Working on same project that I had started some days before, I have come to think some really out of the Box ideas. I had decided to make this a Tower Defense style game, but a lot more involvement with Real-Time Tactics and very tight resource management.
Not much of the picture is clear at the moment. But you people can believe that a real kick-ass project is in the works...
I had tries a fancy system of pathfinding and plus, a very nasty type of special effects. You can see it in the screenshots below - perticularly on the trail of the Red Enemies and Green Defender Bots.
Many new possibilities are opened when I tried out the new Special Effects for Graphic Trails. And allow me to present a few screenshots...

Defender Bots

Defender Bots : Attacking a few enemies