GML: The New PerformR! is here, again!

Well, hello again.

This time, I have uploaded a better version of PerformR in a RAR file on Kupax. (Thanks to Neo for the wonderful hosting)

This version changes most of the things. firstly, the way the particles are drawn on the screen. This also changes the way Backspace Key works. Now it creates a secondary level particles that cannot create anymore particles. So, hitting Backspace will create particle burst only from primary particles that are emitted from the center. Also, enables the keys from F5 to F8 to allow same actions as F1 to F4.

The major change is addition of Left and Right Keys functionality. It will instantly add a spin to the particles on screen, allowing you to create stunning visuals and combo up more. It would enhance your already limitless creativity to no ends at all.

Plus. I have added some sounds for testing. Press Space to toggle them On or Off. F2 to F6 will have sounds You can combine your fret keys with ENTER to make sounds. Plus, you can hold down SHIFT to play a lower pitch versions of the notes. Right now, the notes are pretty crappy. If anyone has clean notes, I'd be more than happy to receive them from you. Of course you'll be given credit for the notes.

So, this makes a basic level composer along with great visualizer (which was the primary aim)
I hope you'll definitely enjoy this release. Thanks!

And yes, the Download Link - Click Here -

Enjoy! And some latest screens from the newly improved engine.

GML: PerformR! is Here!

Well, Hello everyone.

I have always wondered that how awesome it would be if you could control the visualizations that come up on the screen during the song being played on Windows Media Player... Or maybe WinAmp. But I did not know much of the programming that time. So I just could not think of a way of doing it.

Later when I saw Guitar Hero games, I was really excited. Thought I could really create something like this on my machine.

But, unfortunately, Interface of Guitar Hero was pretty boring for me. I did not like the idea of hitting notes at timings. It was pretty much defined, unlike what I prefer - The Sandbox mode.

Then, I encountered this Pic on net, and it sparked me up an idea.

The, I thought that it would be great to create something based on the pic above. I could find the optimum button positions and then I thought of the beats as well. Thankfully the effects systems on GML could really support this one.

I got to work, and brought up the Visualization idea in the front. You are now the performer! You perform on your keyboard to create awesome visualizations for the song that you can leave playing on the background. Or maybe on the headset as well.

If you have a large LCD, you can perform in the house party to shock the guests and show off your talents, or just relax for a while and perform on the songs when You're all alone.

The PerformR guarantees the great performance with best possible graphics with GML to date. Till the new effects library comes up from YoYoGames, this is the best visuals you can get.

Wanna take a look at what graphical feast you'll get? Look at this...

And yes, the Download link is located on the Top Right corner. Try it out.

Well, and as final words, Make sure that you turn StickyKeys off before playing.

Hi and I'm back

Guess what, I got a free time that I can put into my Blogging and some of my projects, so consider me almost back. (Well, not completely and full time as before)

Plus, thankfully, since I have no intension of resuming the work on BftC:R I can devote my time on GML instead and create some new interesting Mini-Games. Now, the puzzle genre really interests me, so I can think some concepts of a new puzzle game using the little extra time I have got.

The very first concept comes to my mind is of the puzzle game with strategy elements. I can make some 2D graphics to make 'em appear real nice and that's what I like.

Plus, some extremely great projectile motion and puzzle elements can turn out interesting. Let's see if I can do something about it.